Integrated resource container for sustainable food production
The objective of the project is to develop and deliver recipe for vertical farming production of babyleaves and strawberry. The recipe will optimize the photosynthesis from seed to harvesting using the optimal combination of resources (water, nutrient, LED light, indoor climate) to produce the crops. After the recipe testing in a vertical farming solution, the recipe will be integrated into a digital production planning system.
The project partners are Nordicflexhouse ( Nabo Farm ( and Danish Technological Institute (
8 houses produced in factory in Denmark and delivered to Påskallavik project in Oskarshamn in Sweden.
Nordicflexhouse is project manager of Påskallavik project in Oskarshamn, where 8 houses, as a phase 1, will be constructed in 2022. The houses are produced in factory in Denmark and delivered to the construction site for mounting and turn key delivery.
See illustrations of the house and the situation plan of the 8 houses that are located near the sea.
See homepage where the houses are for sell. Tjudövägen 20 – Villa till salu – Hemnet
More information. Contact Anders Thomsen, email: and phone 52250493
Nordicflexhouse is delivering green villa houses to Gotland, produced in Denmark.
Nordicflexhouse is delivering green villa houses to Gotland, produced in Denmark. See homepage here:
Dalsta House project near Stockholm
Nordicflexhouse is project manager of the doublehouse project in Dalsta 30 km from Stockholm.
See here:
For more information. Contact Anders Thomsen, Nordicflexhouse (phone: 522504993, email:
Nordic home with big export potential
Nordicflexhouse was Project manager of a Nordic built project with the title: Nordic home with big export potential.
The purpose of this Nordic built project was to develop configurable Nordic homes with high export potential for Nordic market and China market.
To develop, construct and demonstrate NordicHouse (NH) flexible housing platform developed across Nordic countries. The residential house is a villa house of about 150m2 and 180 m2 and a townhouse apartment of around 110-120m2 . The housing platform are built on box solutions in factory in the following sizes:
5×8 meter
5×10 meter
5×12 meter
A container size is: 2,5×12 meter.
A market study of prefabricated villa and townhouses in Nordic countries and China have been made. See the market reports here:
The prefabricated Nordic homes are developed using the Active House specifications and the Nordic Built charter. The houses are 2020 houses.
A demonstration project (see picture above) was terraced houses of 160m2 in KIL, Sweden, using the Nordic Built Charter, as illustrated in the figure below:
And the Active House principle, as shown here:
See video of the terrased houses made in factory of BM Byggeindustri:
A generic platform of the villa and town house have been developed through the full scale demonstration projects. The generic platform is a configurable BIM model of Villa and townhouses that document the design and construction process of the configurable villa and townhouse. So the generic platform transform the demonstration projects into customized villa and townhouses for the Nordic and China market place. Se figure below:
The platform allows SMEs to get exact specifications early in the design stage and constructor company to calculate the housing project early on a very precise basis. Also the order information can go direct into the production company.
More information. Please contact:
Anders Thomsen,
Phone: 52250493
Living in Light
Living in Light is a modular house concept based on the Active House design principles (
Here the focus is on a healthy indoor climate and daylight as an essential element, an energy efficient housing and sustainable solutions. Kuben Management has been responsible for the project.
Nordicflexhouse has been responsible for the development and construction of the living in Light box.
Living in Light is made of human livability using an approach: People before buildings.
Living in Light / BOXEN (see figure above) is 50m2 but can be thought of as an apartment in a larger housing complex, as a modular building block.
The Living in Light box is a CO2 neutral Active test house, that aims to demonstrate innovative Living in Light solutions that also work with a summer garden, as a green conservatory. That provides the opportunity to extend the summer season and there is the possibility of local vegetable production. The house is also called the Envelope House.
Other innovative solutions are the modular design principle with over 80% produced in the factory but with high flexibility in expression and form. We work with Active Roof & Facade solutions, with solar heating and PV in a CO2 neutral house design. We work with a smart home solution for controlling the indoor climate, including mechanical ventilation integrated in the wall and natural ventilation when opening the skylight window (hybrid ventilation).
There are great export opportunities by working with a healthy indoor climate as the core factor in Living in light, with the possibility of local production of vegetables that also supports a healthy indoor climate. Detailed information of the project. Look here: brochure
Further information please contact:
Anders Thomsen, Nordicflexhouse
phone 52250493
Energy plus house to Norway
A prefabricated Energy plus house has been developed for the Norway market. In the Norwegian city of Lier, a 186m2 energy plus house has been built in two floors, produced at the factory in Denmark and delivered as a turnkey contract. The house is produced at a factory in Denmark and transported to Lier and assembled on the construction site. Lier municipality is located approx. 1 hour drive from Oslo.
The house is an energy plus house with energy wall for energy storage and connection to electric car. There is also a green facade that has a noise-reducing effect in relation to cars and at the same time allows for the production of green salad.
See the video of the house here:
Mobile healthcare unit
Glocal Health AB is a market focused Sweden company, that develop and provide patient centered advanced healthcare services, that are cost effective, sustainable and with high availability for all through a GLObal AI supported healthcare services platform, customized to LOcal conditions.
The main services are:
• Radiology services (diagnostic, treatment, monitoring).
• Mother & child services (diagnostic, treatment, monitoring).
• Lab services (medical services).
• Second opinion services (semi-automatic answers to patient diagnose).
• Virtual marketplace with add-on services to patients.
• Tailor made reimbursement financial services for patients and hospitals.
• Design, construct, install and support of Glocal mobile healthcare units as turnkey solutions, through Glocal Partners.
The Glocal mobile healthcare unit is an expandable unit to be placed in rural areas, that has
been developed as system solution together with Nordicflexhouse. Nordicflexhouse is now shareholder into Glocal Health AB.
The heathcare unit has the size of a container and can be moved to a specific location and placed there with foundation as part of the solution. On the construction site, the modules can then be expanded to a size of a 40m2 heathcare center.
One important cornerstone of our concept is the use of mobile units equipped with the latest technology within areas, such as Telemedicine solutions including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR). Glocal Health AB has vast experience of development and design of mobile units and equip them for almost any medial application such as:
Elderly care – “Senior-mobile” for emergency and chronically ill elderly patients.
Women and child – “GP-mobile” for prevention screening and vaccination.
Screening – “Screening- mobile” – available for breast, prostatic and other screening activities.
Advanced diagnosis and treatment – including technologies such as High Intensity Focus Ultrasound (HIFU) for treatment of prostatic- gynaecology and breast tumours.
Advanced surgery – technology for the latest development of holographic imaging and VR.
We focus on India and China market. See more information here:
We have also developed a COVID 19 testing unit. See here:
For more information, please contact: Anders Thomsen, Nordicflexhouse; email:; phone: 52250493
Easy healthy food, reduced waste, circular economy, vertical farming, hydroponic.
Nordicflexhouse have in several innovation projects developed our Biopod solutions:
Midtnet China program:
VIDA BioPod program:
The Biopod solution is a vegetable ecosystem, where only energy, food waste and water are necessary value resources to produce healthy vegetables. The BioPod is an energy and water efficient solution, that supports the principles of circular economy (recycling in all value streams). See video of the BioPod here:
The BioPod solution is a closed food production that operates at the household or urban level, establishing food production based on hydroponic solution (water borne solution) and vertical farming, consisting of a number of Biopod containers, which are linked to a total food production chain.
A BioPod Greenhouse of 2000m2 is installed in Skive (Jutland) and also a 40f BioPod container is installed with different sort of growth media to produce vegetable (like Growing Lettuce, Microgreens, Tomatoes, Chili, Bell pepper). See the BioPod container presentation here: BioPod Container See video of the BioPod container with fish to produce nutrient to tomato and cucumbers in a closed circular loop:
We have BioPod installed in a Tiny house in Odder:
We are exporting the BioPod solution to China and India, through our local partners. In India it is the Govardhan Eco Village ( and in China it is the Zhejiang TOFine Sci&Tech Co., Ltd. (
More information. Contact Anders Thomsen, Nordicflexhouse (phone: +45 52250493,